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When I look back on first year of college, the biggest concept of personal growth that comes to mind is making use of my time. In high school, I had time to do just about anything I wanted. I realized that was not going to be the case in college. Being mindful of how much time I have in my day to engage in personal endeavors was tricky. It was so tricky because I did not come to the realization that in order to do what you love, you have to make the time for it. While lying in bed trying to fall asleep, the thought that I had not really done anything I found fun or engaging all day crossed my mind just about every night. I was so confused as to why I could not just sit down and pick up a book or instrument and start reading or start strumming. Eventually, I realized that I did not have time because I did not make time. In order to move forward, I had to fully immerse in everything I did during the day. If I was doing homework, it had to be just homework and no distractions. Once I started implementing more discipline and routine in my life, I was able to make the time I thought could never exist. I have always been a big procrastinator, so this was no easy feat for me. I still struggle with being fully present in what I am doing, but at least I now know what it feels like to be fully immersed in what I am doing. So many tasks I had to complete took me hours to finish just because starting them was so difficult for me and I would often get distracted (meaning I had to start up on them multiple times). The hardest part is starting, and it is a nice reminder that if I can get whatever I need to get done, then I will have time to read a book or go for a walk. What helps me out a lot is drawing upon past experiences; if I am struggling to get something done, I just think back to a moment where I have been able to complete something I convinced myself I was incapable of. It is also helpful to have a community to fall back on. My roommate and I keep each other accountable and have fun while doing it. For example, we both took part in a challenge we called "Every day push up challenge" where we just did a push up at least once a day whenever we were bored. Little pacts with friends can give you the extra push to keep working towards your goals. 

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